Reduce Stocks by at least 50% by using Wide Tolerance Fittings

Water companies tie up huge amounts of capital in stock. By using Wide tolerance fittings R2M can help reduce this significantly…and also increase operational efficiency

 Nova Siria Product Overview

  • A single Wide Tolerance fitting can replace many dedicated fittings
  • Multigrip fittings can be manf as a Coupling. 1 fitting could replace 8noDedicated restrained Flange Adaptors for PE as you need 2no back to back to make up a coupling.
  •  Most dedicated PE FA’s are also SDR specific so you need to stock SDR11/17/21/26 at every diameter x 2no to make a coupling.
  • Virtually any 30mm Tol end restraint fitting made in one piece inc adaptors, couplings, steps, bends, tees
  • End Restraint Couplings instead of ‘back to back’ flange adaptors stock, fittings, labour and eqpt can be drastically reduced.
  • All Multigrip (30mm Tol end restraint fittings) have 16 bar rating as standard uti 1000mm They will fit and end restrain any material and can also be used above ground (overpumping) unlike many competitors.
  • Reduces the need to stock Dismantling Joints – Multigrips can be unlocked and slid up the pipe which negates the use for Dismantling Joints on dirty water chambers.


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