Features & benefits
- Molecor is thin walled yet 5 times stronger than PE. This has resulted in water companies using smaller pipes yet with greater hydraulic capacity = lighter and more cost effective
- On ave 75% lighter than Ductile Iron and 50% lighter than PE = less requirement for heavy lifting eqpt and less back injuries
- 225mm stick of PE weighs 79.8kgs. The equivalent capacity in MOPVC is a 200mm stick which weighs just 30kgs. The difference when compared with Ductile is even greater!
- Easy, simple push fit assembly = huge advantage in terms of installation in mtrs / hours. Ideal for piecing I, no EF or Butt Fusion joints & eqpt
- Unbeatable impact resistance = no need to re-coat on site as with Ductile when damaged
- Completely corrosion resistant = no special protection or coating even in most contaminated ground
- Pipes available 90-800mm in bar ratings 12.5, 16, 20 & 25 = the best choice even in high pressure situations
- Increased hydraulic capacity = between 15-40% more hydraulic capacity than other pipe materials with same external dimensions
- Excellent response to water hammer / Maximum flexibility / Joints 100% Watertight
- Approved under regulation 31 of the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2000 (currently awaiting renewal)
TOM®: The best choice for the conveyance of fluid under pressure
TOM® PVC-O pipes are a product developed exclusively with the Molecor innovative technology that provides the highest Molecular Orientation. The manufacturing process is continuous and completely automatic, which ensures the maximum product reliability and a quality control tube to tube for the 100% of the production.
TOM® is the best solution for the conveyance of water at medium and high pressure for irrigation systems, drinking water supply, reuse, industrial or fire protection lines, among other uses. The extraordinary technical advances of the manufacturing system of Molecor confer the TOM® Oriented PVC pipe significant improvements:
Kier Services - Malcolm Drake (Kier Developer Services Manager)
Anglian Water
Mot MacDonald Bentley (MMB) - Allan Romeo
Severn Trent Water - Jamie Perry
United Utilities